Saints Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus -- March 17

On the festival of Saints Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, the Donatist faithfull hang a flag or banner of linen from a balcony or the roof of their houses. Wealthier citizens usually thoroughly anoint this cloth with fankincense, myrrh and other fragrant spices. Even the poorer classes are likely to attempt at least some ointment of spices for the flags. This is done in memorial to Saint Joseph, who provided the linen for Christ's burial shroud and the tomb, and Saint Nicodemus who provided the spices for anointing the body. The result of all these scented flags and the scented candles, which are also quite popular on the day, is a delight to both the eye and the nose. In addition linen merchants, chandlers and perfumiers make a tidy profit.