Candied dates and figs are given at the birth of a child.

It is concidered extreemly bad luck to be born on Judas Thrusday, the Thursdar immediately preceeding Easter. Any mother so unfortuante as to go into labor and be likely to deliver on this day will try to have a priest in attendance to say a special prayer over her and the child that the evil of the day not attach.


Homes are decorated with palm braches placed above doors and windows both within and without the house. Small tin lanterns are placed alnog the roof wall and within the courtyard to light the way of the Holy Family. Christmas dinner is traditionally a lagre dish of couscous with lamb and mince meatballs. Small bundles of straw are placed on or by each plate at the table to rmember the manger full of straw.

Carraxan housholders paint the doors of their houses in accordance with their faith. Donatist households paint their doors blue. Catholic families have red doors. Greek homes have white doors. Coptic homes paint their doors black. Jewish doors can be identified by the yellow paint. While Muslims identify their doors by the application of green paint. this custom gives rise to a number of idioms such as "Dull as a Greek door," which is apt since all houses tend to be whitewashed and a white door offers little contrast or excitement compared to the vivid portals of other homes.

An earthenware jar with a lighted candle inside is placed at the doorstep along with a small bundle of hay. This is to welcome to Magi and to feed their camles as they search the streets for the Christ child.


Such importance is placed on the version of the Last Supper traditionally recited at a family’s Good Friday meal that it often becomes an issue in the marriage negotiations.


In Carraxa, when a person is in mourning it is traditional to give them a tiny bottle called an ampujineja which is a reminder of the verse in Psalm 56:8 "Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in your book?" This is to remind the sufferer that God sees their pain.
A family picninc is held on the grave of a departed loved one on the 1st, 2nd, 5th, and 10th anniversaries of their death.


It is traditional to cut one’s hair on Old Year’s Day and burn the cuttings as a symbol of starting afresh. It is considered good and proper to return all borrowed items before the new year.


It is considered very bad luck to be born on "Judas Thursday", the Thursday immediately preceding Easter.