Breakfast Foods
Pani peridu
This is a favorite breafast food in Carraxa. While similar to the French pain perdu or the American French toast, the
C-a version is a bit different from either the French
original or the American version. Carraxans make this treat a bit richer.
Mixi --
1 parri djil lapi
2 parri djls uvus
Ñufali il pani gata ad junu pacu ñufaludu. Fridji jid in burru gata ad jurra. Di caudu.
Azeras cun caxa
This recipe is typical Carraxan breakfast food --
bananas with cheese. Caxa vindrinza (Vindrinzian
cheese) is the typical cheese of Vindrinzi (the old
Roman town of Veneriensis). It is a somewhat salty
crumbling cheese like the greek feta or Mexican
cotija. It must be eaten steaming hot or it gets
gluey like cold grits or cold oat meal. The saltiness
of the cheese and the sweetness of the bananas
compliment each other nicely. Give it a try!
1 azera pizinida
3 cocuerunis djul burru
1 cocueridi djul cojindru
1 cocueridi djul chiñamomu
1 taxta djil lapi
¼ taxta djal paña
2 pidzigunis djal caxa vindrinza impadadu
Livachi in juna cacha ul burru. Inadi al azera
pizinida. Fridji jid para 2-3 minutus. Inadi ils
spechis. Inadi il lapi ed al paña. Fali cocheri.
Inadi al caxa impadadu. Miscui gata ad avins
livachudu ed servi.
Pecadorus huevridus
This common breakfast food bears the colorful name "Fervent Sinners" supposedly because such sinners have hardened their hearts, the eggs, and will be plunged into the fires of hell, the sauce.
oju djil saximi
Cochi uls uvus gata ad durus. Exui jids. Mixi il caiani, eul sau ed ul oju pera falari junu zomidju. Di ul zomidju pera imerdjiri uls uvus.
al saucavia djul Arrumedu
farina pervepa
piminta ingueza
puvi djal cuava
oju djal zeduna
carni djal saucavia
Mixi al farina cun ils spechis. Cumpuvui il carni. Veja ul oju in il nugoxedi. Cumvi esti ul fistu caudu, inadi il carni ed movi gata ad faluns al chebuja cuara. Inadi ul vinu ed als juniberas. Buji paucus minutus. Inadi al broda, als patatidas, ils bizandis, uls machacadus, ed als rachemas. Lerruna bujiri. Coberi ed suzurra gata ad juna ora mutu jud minu.