n. amethyst [Lt. amethystus or Gk. amethystosboth amethyst]
amibala /a.mI'ba.la/
n. almond [Gk. amygdálê almond
amibalu /a.mI'ba.lU/
n. almond tree [(arvu) amibalu]
aminu /a'mi.nU/
adj. nice [Lt. amoenus charming, pleasant]
amirari /a.mI'4a.4i/
v.1. to wonder 2. to ponder [VL ad- to + mirare to look at with wonder]
amirri /a'mi.4I/
n. amir, emir [Ar. amir emir]
amirradu /a.mI'ra.dU/
n. admiral [LL admiral < Ar. amir ar rahl chief of the transport]
amiteri /a.mI'te.4I/
v. to recognize, to admit, to let in, to give audience, to give admission, to place on a church roll after baptism, to give first communion [Lt. admittere to send to, let go, urge on, gallop, hurry, let in, give access to, give audience to, admit to a showing, allow to reach, allow, commit a crime]
amizi /a'mi.zI/
n. a fearless fighter, a berzerker [Sem. 'mmts strong, strenght, courage, mighty, strong one]
amolocha /a.mO'lo.tSa/
n. camomile [LL amolocia < Camp. camomile]
amoradichu /a.mO.4a'di.tSU/
n. beet [Lt. amoracium by folk etym. < amor radicis]
amori /a.mo.4I/
n. love [Lt. amoris love]
amorrvidu /a.mOr'vi.dU/
n. death [amorrvigari]
amorrvigari /a.mOr.vI'ga.4I/
v. to kill, put to death [NAVL ammortificare Lt. mortem death]
ampuja /am'pu.Za/
n. bottle [Lt. ampulla bottle]
ampujineja /am.pU.ZI'ne.Za/
n. a tiny bottle of the type given to mourners [ampuja]
amvara /am'va.4a/
n. amber [Ar. 'anbar ambergris]
amvichuni /am.vI'tSu.nI/
n. desire [Lt. ambitionis campagning, popularity, flattery, ambition]
amvichuniri /am.vI.tSU'ni.4I/
v. to desire [amvichuni]
amvija /am'vi.Za/
n. eel [Lt. anguilla eel]
amvuari /am'vwa.4I/
v. to walk [Lt. ambulare to walk]
anagari1 /a.na'ga.4I/
v. to launch, set sail [Gk. anagô sail, depart, launch]
anagari2 /a.na'ga.4I/
v. to sigh, to be sad [Sm. 'nch to sigh, groan, mourn]
anarcía /a.na4'ki.a/
n. anarchy [Gk. anarchía lack of a ruler]
anarcistu /a.na4'ki.Stu/
n. anarchist [Gk. ánarchos without a ruler + -istu]
ancha /'an.tSa/
adv. before now, previously [Lt. antehac before this time, before now, formerly]
anchepu /an'tSe.pU/
adj. done before [Lt. anteceptus obtained before, recieved before]
anchinu /an'tSi.nU/
n. days of yore, days of long ago, auld lang syne [NAVL anteanno Lt. ante anno sum before the year was]
Andaluxa /an.da'lu.Sa/
n. Andalucia [Sp. Andalucía < Ar. Ándalus < Lt. Vandalus]
andeju /an'de.ZU/
n. front, front side [Lt. anterior before, in front]
andi /'an.dI/
prep. before, in front of, in the presence of [Lt. ante before]
andibu /an'di.bU/
adj. ancient [Lt. antíquus old, ancient, old-fashioned, venerable, the ancients, antiquity, old custom]
andichipa /an.dI'tSi.pa/
n. prediction, omen [NAVL anticipa omen < Lt. anticipare to anticipate]
andiminchi /an.dI'min.tSI/
adv. last month [andi before + mencis month]
andivrachu /an.dI'v4a.tSU/
n. forearm [VL andi before + bracium arm]
andjelu /an'dZe.lU/
n. angel [Lt. angelus angel < Gk. ággelo messenger]
andjepimana /an.dZE.pI'ma.na/
adv. last week [NAVL anti before + septimana week]
andju /'an.dZU/
n. front side [Lt. anterior ]
anedja /a'ne.dZa/
n. annoyance [Gk. anaideia impudence, importunity]
aneju /a'ne.ZU/
n. ring [Lt. anellum ring]
anelari /a.nE'la.4I/
v. to desire [Lt. anhéláre to breathe out, pant after, pant, puff, exhale]
anevi /a'ne.vI/
n. a crack, especially one in a wall or rock face, etc. [Sm. `nph branching, full of brances, sprig, bough]
anguscharu /aN.gUS'tSa.4U/
n. tight spot, a fix, a muddle, a situation from which it is difficult to extricate oneself # AVERI ANGUSCHARUS to be short of cash, to be in a difficult situation financially [Lt. angustiarum narrow place, defile, narrow passage, strait, shortness, want, difficulty, tight spot, perplexity, distress]
n. anise [Lt. anisum < Gk. ánêson dill (by confusion)]
añ /'aJ/
adv., intj. so, well, um [?]
aña /'a.Ja/
intj. oh! ah! hear me! help me! a cry to God or a human agent for help or aid, usually followed by a noun in vocative case [Sm. 'nn' oh now! I beseech thee]
añina /a'Ji.na/
n. lamb [Lt. agnina mutton]
añini /a'Ji.nI/
n. lamb (meat) [(carni) añini]
añotari /a.JO'ta.4i/
v. to record, to write down, to annotate [Lt. annotáre to write down]
añu /'a.JU/
n. year [Lt. annus year]
añumi /a'Ju.mI/
n. nickname [Lt. agnomen nickname]
añuxeri /a.JU'Se.4I/
v. irr. to acknowledge (as genuine), to percieve rightly, to recognize (an heir, claim, etc.) [Lt. agnosceri to percieve in its true character, recognize as true or genuine, acknowledge]
apali /a'pa.lI/
adv. thus, so, likewise, in like manner [Lt. ac + talis and such]
aparadu /a.pa'4a.dU/
n. ornament, bauble ~s trappings, ornamentation [Lt. apparátus equipment, paraphernalia]
aparechuni /a.pa.rE'tSu.nI/
n. appearance, advent, a showing up [apareri]
apareri /a.pa'4e.4I/
v. to appear, show up [Lt. appárére to appear, become visible, be seen, show oneself]
apari /a'pa.4I/
v. to tie (a knot, etc) [Lt. aptáre to fasten, fit, adjust]
apejari /a.pE'Za.4I/
v. to plead, to beg [Lt. appelláre to appeal to]
apeju /a'pe.ZU/
n. plea [NAVL appellu < Lt. appelláre to appeal to]
apinderi /a.pIn'de.4I/
v. to hang down, hang down from [Lt. appendere to weigh, pay out, concider]
aprinziri /a.p4In'zi.4I/
v. to capture [NAVL aprehensire < Lt. aprehensum < aprehenndere sieze, take hold of]
aprobimbari /a.p4O.bIm'ba.4I/
v. approach [Lt. appropinquáre approach]
aproximari /a.p4O.SI'ma.4I/
v. to approach, to approximate [Lt. approximáre to draw near to]
n. applause [VL allausus < Lt. applaudere to strike against, applaude]
araña /a'ra.Ja/
n. spider [Lt. aranea spider]
Arava /a'4a.va/
1.n.a. Arabia b. an Arab woman 2.adj. (l.c.) Arabic [Lt. arabia Arabia]
aravu /a'4a.vU/
n. an Arab [Lt. Arabus Arabian] # ARAVUS ED IDIJANUS n. tic-tac-toe
arba /'a4.ba/
n. harp [Gmc. harpa harp]
archiduca /a4.tSI'du.ka/
n. archduchess (regnant) [It. arciduca archiduke (with change of gender or Fr. archiduc with gender marker]
archiducesa /a4.tSI.dU'ke.sa/
n. archduchess (wife of archduke) [It. arciduchessa archduchess]
archiducu /a4.tSI'du.kU/
n. archduke [It. duca duke (with change of gender marking or Fr. duc duke (with gender marking)]
archiva /a4'tSi.va/
n. archive [Lt. archíva < Gk. arkheîa magisterial residence, public office]
ardju /'ar.dZU/
adj. bold [NFr. hardi bold < hardir to harden, to be or make bold < Fk. *hardjan < PGmc. *hardjan to make hard]
arestu /a'4e.StU/
n. reason, cause [Gk. arestos pleasing, reason]
arguiri /a4'gwi.4I/
v. to establish as fact [Lt. arguere to prove, reveal, betray]
arinari /a.4I'na.4I/
v. to sweep [NAVL arenare < Lt. (h)aréna sand] # ARINARI PEU'LS OCUUS to sweep with the eyes, look over, scan, check out the situation, give the once over
armajolu /a4.ma'Zo.lU/
n. bookcase [LL armariolu bookcase < Lt. armarium cupboard]
armoju /a4'mo.ZU/
n. cupboard [Lt. armarium cupboard, chest]
arteriu /ar.tE'4i.U/
n. artery [Gk. arterios air-filled]
arvu /'ar.vu/
n. tree [NAVL arbol < Lt. arbor tree] # ARVU IMFELIXU gallows
arza /'a4.za/
n. art [Lt. ars skill, craft, method, work of art, science, cunning l.b.]
arregu /a're.gU/
prep. behind [Lt. a tergum (with met. of r)]
arreri /a're.4I/
v. to burn [Lt. ardére to be on fire, burn, blaze, flash, glow, smart]
arrexeri /a.rE'Se.4I/
v. to glitter, twinkle [Lt. ardescére to gleem, glitter]
arri /'a.rI/
n. skill, craft [Lt. artem skill, craft, method, work of art, science, cunning]
arrindari /a.rIn'da.4I/
v. approach, come near to, acsend to (an alter, etc.) [NAVL adrentare < Lt. adrentus an approach]
arrindu /a'rin.dU/
adj. ardent [Lt. ardentis ardent]
arrivichu /a.rI'vi.tSU/
n.1. skill 2. workmanship 3. cunning [Lt. artificium skill, workmanship, artistic work, work of art, art, profession, cleverness, cunning, theory]
arrizavodu /a.rI.za'vo.dU/
n. edderwort [Lib. adrizafot edderwort]
arrogandistu /a.rO.gan'di.StU/
n. egotist [arrogandi]
arrogandoru /a.rO.gan'do.4U/
n. one who assumes too much [arrogandari]
arrogandu /a.rO'gan.dU/
adj. arrogant, haughty [Lt. arrogantem arrogant]
arrogari /a.rO'ga.4I/
v. to assume too much, be presumptuous [Lt. arrogáre to question, associate, assume for oneself, claim]
arruinari /a.rU.I'na.4I/
v. to ruin [NAVL adruinare < Lt. ad- + ruína a falling down, debris, disaster + -are]
v. to raise, to lift [Lt. attollere to raise, lift up exalt]
aufabeda /aU.fa'be.da/
n. alphabet [Lt. alphabétum alphabet < Gk. alphábeetos < alpha A + beta B < Ph.]
aufabedari /aU.fa.bE'da.4i/
v. to spell [aufebeda]
augunu /aU'gu.nU/
pron.1. some, any 2. someone, anyone 3. something, anything [NAVL alcunu < VL alicunus < L aliquis unus someone one]
auma /'aUma/
n. beloved(f), fianceé [ Sem. 'alma maiden]
aumandina /aU.man'di.na/
n. almandite, almandine [ML almandína < Lt. alabandína from Alabanda]
aumavarra /aU.ma'va.ra/
n. rose water [Ar. al ma ward rosewater (folk etym.) auma < Sem. 'alma maiden or Sp. alma soul + varra < Ar. warda rose]
aumudu /aU'mu.dU/
n. sledge hammer, blacksmith's hammer [Sem. hlmth hammer, mallet]
aurru /'aU.rU/
pron. other, else [Lt. alterum one of two]
autergachuni /aU.tE4.ga'tSu.nI/
n. quarrell, altercation [Lt. altercátiónis debate, dispute, discussion]
autergari /aU.tE4'ga.4I/
v. quarrell, bicker [Lt. altercáre quarrell, wrangle, bicker]
Autisimu /aU.tI'si.mU/
n. The Highest, the Most High, God [Lt. altissimu highest]
autu /'aU.tU/
adj. high [Lt. altum high]
auvorida /aU.vO'4i.da/
n. bush, shrub [OC-a alvorida < NAVL alborita < Lt. arbor tree + -ita]
avanchari /a.van'tSa.4i/
v. to approach, to advance [VL abantiare < LL abante < Lt. ab off + ante before]
avarra /a'va.ra/
n. dust [Sem. `phr dust]
avejana /a.vE'Za.na/
n. hazelnut [Lt. Abellanum a town where the nuts were grown]
averi /a've.4I/
v. to have [Lt. avéri to wish] # AVERI AL GUSTA DJI to tase of, taste like, have the flavor of (also used metaphoically of envy, corruption, greed, etc.)
averzu /a've4.zU/
prep. compared with, contrary to, opposite [Lt. adversum opposite, facing]
aveseri /a.vE'se.4I/
v. to be distant from, be far away [NAVL abessere < Lt. abesse to be distant]