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each /'itS/
prep. peu
eagle /'igl=/
n. evila
ear /'Ir/
n. jurigua
earn /'3rn/
v. ganiri, vediñari
earth /'3rT/
n. terra
earthquake /'3rTkwek/
n. terremodu, ziuzau
Easter /'ist@r/
n. Pasca
easy /'izi/
adj. prompu
  • easy going adj. agradari
  • eat /'it/
    v. manderi
    edderwort /'Ed@rwOrt/
    n. arrizavodu
    eel /'il/
    n. amvija
    effort /'Ef@rt/
    n. esforrulicha
    eggplant /'Egpl&nt/
    n. badidjana
    egoist /'igowIst/
    n. arogandistu
    Egypt /'idZIp/
    n. Edjipu, Chema
    Egyptian /I'dZIpS@n/
    n. Gupu
    eight /'et/
    num. opu
    eighteen /e'tin/
    num. dechi ed opu
    eighteenth /e'tinT/
    num. decimuopavu
    eighth /etT/
    num. opavu
    eightieth /'edi.@T/
    num. opodjezimu
    eighty /'edi/
    num. opodjinda
    either /'eD@r/
    conj. (...or) jud. . .jud
    eke /'ik/ or /'Ek/
    v. (out a living) xagari
    elbow /'Elbo/
    n. jumvuni
    elder /'Eld@r/
    n. (of a church) presbideru, (of a city or tribe) suvi
    eldress /'ElrIs/
    n. presbideja, presbidera (wife of an elder)
    elephant /'El@f@nt/
    n. euvandi
    eleven /@'lEvIn/
    num. jundechi
    eleventh /@'lEv@nT/
    num. jundechimu
    elixer /@'lIks@r/
    n. axiri
    else /'Els/
    adv. aurru
    embarrass /Im'bEr@s/
    v. disturvari, perruvari
    embarrassment /Im'bEr@smn=t/
    n. cunduvrachu, discuncherru, disturvachuni, imbarrazu, perruvachuni, turvachuni
    emerald /'Imrl=d/
    n. smelarru, zombrodu
    emir /@'mir/
    n. amiri
    employ /Im'plOj/
    v. dari lavoru ad, emplojari
    employment /Im'plOjmn=t/
    n. emploja, negochu, servichu
    empty /'Impti/
    1. v. (of) disprovideri, 2. adj. (of) disprovidedu, (utterly) inanu
    enamel /@'n&ml=/
    n. smautu
    enamelwork /@'n&ml=w3rk/
    n. smautu
    encourage /In'k3rIdZ/
    v. orradari
    end /'Ind/
    1. v. dari juni huini ad, (a contract) lichinchari 2. n. huini
    endive /'Indajv/
    n. induvu
    endure /In'dur/
    v. perstari
    enemy /'In@mi/
    n. inimigu, nimigu
    engage /In'gedj/
    v. (to be come e~d) despunzeri
    engender /In'dZIndr=/
    v. indjindrari
    England /'iNgl@nd/
    n. Inguaderra
    English /'iNglIS/
    adj. inguezu
    Englishman /'iNgl@Smn=/
    n. inguezu
    Englishwoman /'iNgl@SwOmn=/
    n. ingueza
    engrave /In'grev/
    v. inchideri
    enjoy /In'dZOj/
    v. puacheri
    enlarge /In'lardZ/
    v. xudari
    enliven /In'lajvn=/
    v. cunsolari
    enraged /In'redZd/
    adj. tumexindu
  • to be enraged v. tumexeri
  • enter /'Intr=/
    v. ingredjari
    entertain /Int3r'ten/
    v. delepari, obuepari
    entertainment /Int3r'tenmn=t/
    n. obuepachu
    entrance /'Intrn=ts/
    n. ingrexu
    entrust /In'trVst/
    v. mandari
    entry /'Intri/
    n. (hall) vestivuu
    entwine /In'twajn/
    v. adorveri
    enunciate /@'nVnsi.et/
    v. inuncheri
    erect /@'rEkt/
    v. neveri
    err /'Er/
    v. djerrari
    error /'Err=/
    n. erruñu
    escape /@'skep/
    v. xilaxeri
    especially /@'spESli/
    adv. impachi
    essential /@'sIntSl=/
    adj. esinchelu
    establish /@'st&blIS/
    v. fundari, inogurari; (as fact) arguiri, demunstrari, verravigari
    estate /@'stet/
    n. (land) cora
    esteem /@'stim/
    v. estimari
    eucharist /'juc@rIst/
    n. Jugarixa
    even /'ivn=/
    adv. adug
    evening /'ivnIN/
    n. sera
  • evening star n. Esperu
  • eventhough /ivn='Do/
    conj. veu
    everyone /'EvriwVn/
    pron. todu
    evident /'Ev@dInt/
    adj. cuaru
    evil /'ivl=/
    n., adj. malu
  • evil eye n. malurra
  • Evil One n. Malu
    ewe /'ju/
    n. ovi
    example /Ig'z&mpl=/
    adv. (for) pali
    exceed /Ek'sid/
    v. (expectations) rexundari
    excessive /Ek'sEsIv/
    adj. tan mutu
  • excessively adv. tan mutu
  • excited /Ik'sajdId/
    adj. tumexindu
  • to be excited v. tumexeri
  • excitement /Ik'sajtmn=t/
    n. esmoxuni, exidachuni, induxazmu
    exclaim /@ks'clem/
    v. excuamari
    execute /'Eks@kjut/
    v. (a person) dechideri, (especially without trial) eribiri
    existance /@k'zIstn=ts/
    n. vida, existincha/
    exit /'EksIt/
    v. laxari
    expense /Ik'spInts/
    n. impuinza, cunstadu
  • at the expense of adv. peu'l cunstadu dji
  • expensive /Ik'spInsIv/
    adj. caru
    expert /'Eksp3rt/
    adj. peridu
    explain /Iks'plen/
    v. espuigari
    explicate /'Ekspl@ket/
    v. espuigari
    explication /EksplI'keSn=/
    n. espuigachuni
    explination /Ekspl@'neSn=/
    n. espuigachuni
    exposition /Eksp@'zISn=/
    n. espuigachuni
    expression /Ik'sprESn=/
    n. esprxuni, vutu
    exsanguinate /Ek's&NgwInet/
    v. disamviniri
    extend /Ek'stInd/
    v. estinderi
    extremely /Ik'stimli/
    eye /'aj/
    n. ocuu
    eyebrow /'ajbraU/
    n. suberdjiju
    eyelash /'ajl&S/
    n. chiju
    eyelid /'ajlId/
    n. paupevra

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