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tab /'t&b/
n. (bill) cundu
table /'tebl=/
n. minza
tablespoon /'tebl=spun/
n. cocueruni
taboo /t&'bu/
n. magrrama
tactless /'t&klIs/
adj. inavuu
tahini /ta'hini/
n. tini
tajeen /ta'Zin/
n. tajini
take /'tek/
v. (away) eribiri, (away from) disprovideri, (care of) curari, custodiri, (off clothing, etc.) exuiri, (on a role) devindari, (to heaven) achelari
tale /'tEl/
n. minchu, (tall) adidi
talk /'tak/
v. (to) ajoviri, (over, out) disereri
talisman /'t&lIsmn=/
n. (to ward bad luck) magrrama
tall tale /tal'tEl/
n. adidi
tamarind /'t&m@rInd/
n. tambrindi
tarragon /'tEr@gan/
n. targunu
taste /'test/
1. v.i. averi al gusta dji v.t. gustari 2. n. gusta
tattered /'t&tr=d/
adj. pañozu
tavern /'t&vr=n/
n. cobuna, taverna
tax /'t&ks/
n. fredu, vetigaja
  • tax collector n. regabidistu
  • to collect taxes v. regabidari
  • teach /'titS/
    v. mudarriri, instanchiri
    teacher /'titSr=/
    n. mudarri
    tear1 /'tEr/
    v. (off) disgravari, (the hair in mourning) zavadari
    tear2 /'tir= or tIr/
    n. lagrima
    teaspoon /'tispun/
    n. cocueridi
    teeny-weeny /'tini,wini/
    adj. minudidu
    tell /'tEl/
    v. dichiri, (about, a description) ñarrari, (a story) minchunari
    temple /'tImpl=/
    n. tempuu
    temptation /tIm'teSn=/
    n. tempachuni
    ten /'tIn/
    num. dechi
    tend /'tInd/
    v. (care for) curari, (be likely to) tindiri
    tent /'tInt/
    n. jueli
    tenth /'tInT/
    num. dechimu
    term /'t3rm/
    n. (word) chumada, rema, terminu
    terrible /'tEr@bl=/
    adj. faji, tremindu
    terror /'tErr=/
    n. terroru
    test /'tEst/
    v. (the strenght of) decherneri
    testify /'tEst@faj/
    v. marruzari, testivigari
    testimony /'tEst@moni/
    n. marruju
    thank /'TeNk/
    v. carizari, grachiri, falari xucran
    thanks /'TeNks/
    1. n. grachi(s), cari(s) 2. intj. grachi, xucran
    that /'D&t/
    pron. isu, isa, isi, fi
    the /'Di or D@ or D/
    art. al, il, ul, djal, djil, djul
    then /'DIn/
    prep. debostu, edjuebu, jin
    there /'DEr/
    pron. (far) iji
    therefore /'DErfOr/
    adv. acusi
    these /'Diz/
    pron. fistus, fistas, fistis
    they /'De/
    pron. sustrus, sustras, sustris
    thief /'Tif/
    n. rapoju
    thigh /'Taj/
    n. muscuu
    thin /'TIn/
    adj. magru, (skinny) machidu, (of cloth, etc.) djugada
  • to be thin v. machiri
  • to grow thin v. magrexeri
  • think /'TiNk/
    v. (about) djipinzari; (of, about) abinzari, impinzari, pinzari, (on) tiniri
    third /'T3rd/
    num. terchu
    thirteen /T3r'tin/
    num. tredechi
    thirteenth /T3r'tinT/
    num. tredechimu
    thirtieth /'T3rdi@T/
    num. thrichezimu
    thirty /'T3rdi/
    num. tridjinda
    this /'DIs/
    pron. fistu, fista, fisti
    thorough /'T3ro/
    adj. atindu
    thoroughly /'T3r@li/
    adv. bini
    those /'Doz/
    pron. isus isas isis
    though /'Do/
    conj. veu
    thought /'Tat/
    n. codjidachu, epi&ntlde;ua, indumizi, lodjizmu, nima, pinzari, refuexuni; (a thought) codjidada, djelodjizmu, (care) sochidudu
    thousand /'TaUzn=d/
    num. miji
    thousandth /'TaUzn=T/
    num. mijezimu
    thread /'TrEd/
    n. huilu, huivra, padju
    threat /'TrEt/
    n. cudu
    three /'Tri/
    num. tres
    triangle /'traj.engl=/
    n. trianguu
    throat /'Trot/
    n. gula
    throne /'Tron/
    n. trunu
    through /'Tru/
    prep. peu, (the) peu'l
    throw /'Tro/
    v. butari, jepari, lancheri, (back a ball, the small fish) remitiri
    thug /'TVg/
    n. larruni
    thumb /'TVm/
    n. pojexi, pojigari
    thunder /'TVndr=/
    n. tunirru
    Thursday /'T3rzdi/
    n. Meuguri
    thus /'DVs/
    adv. acusi, azig, edjuebu, idavi, indavi, veu; (thus far) gatagora
    thyme /'tajm/
    n. timu
    tic-tac-toe /'tIkt&kto/
    n. uls aravus ed idijanus
    tie /'taj/
    v. (together) ligari, nodari; (a knot) apari, nodari; (to, up) ajigari; (a boat to a dock) ñepiri
    tiger /tajgr=/
    n. nimurra
    thight /'tajt/
  • thight spot n. anguscharu
  • time /'tajm/
    n. tempu, (occurence) vichi
    tiny /'tajni/
    adj. minudu
    tithe /'tajD/
    n. decimu
    tizzy /'tIzi/
  • to get in a tizzy v. xispumari
  • to /'tu or t@/
    prep. ad
  • to the prep. dal, dil, dul
  • toad /'tod/
    n. buvuni
    toast /'tost/
    v. djorari
    toasted /'tostId/
    adj. djoradu
    today /t@'de/
    adv. odji
    toe /'to/
    n. didu djil pedi
  • toe nail n. jumba djil pedi
  • together /t@'gEDr=/
    adv. inzimua
    tomato /t@'med@/
    n. tomati
    tomorrow /t@'maro/
    adv. crasmani
  • day after tomorrow adv. prindji
  • tongue /'tVN/
    n. (anat.) limbaxcu, (language) limba
    too /'tu/
    adv. tan
    tooth /'tuT/
    n. dinchi
    topaz /'top&z/
    n. tobaju
    torc /'tOrk/
    n. torga
    torment /'tOrmInt/
    v. tormindari
    torque /'tOrk/
    n. torvi
    tortoise shell /'tOd@s,SEl/
    n. testudu
    total /'todl=/
    adj. absoludu, compuedu, pervepu
    totally /'tod@li/
    adv. djul todu, ad ul todu, bini, gata ad ul huinu
    tough /'tVf/
    n. (thug) larruni
    toward /t@'wOrd/
    prep. ad
    town /'taUn/
    n. vija
  • town council n. buli
  • toy /'tOj/
  • toy maker n. caraxu
  • trachea /'trEki@/
    n. tracha
    track /'tr&k/
    n. sica
    trade /'tred/
    v. (in a comodity) cobuñari
    tradition /tr@'dISn=/
    n. tradichuni
    traitor /'tredr=/
    n. malavi
    trail /'trEl/
    n. sica
    traffic /'tr&fIk/
    v. (in) cobuñari
    tranquil /'tr&nkw@l/
    adj. tramviju
    tranquility /tr&n'kwIl@ti/
    n. pachivdjidadi
    transfer /'tr&nsfr=/
    v. eviri
    translate /'tr&nslet/
    v. targumari, idardjimari
    transport /tr&ns'pOrt/
    v. tranxuogari
    trappings /'tr&piNz/
    n. adornus, aparadus, faleris, morvozi, uñamindas
    tree /'tri/
    n. arvu
    tremble /'trImbl=/
    v. tremeri
    tresspass /'trEsp&s/
    n. (sin) proscopi
    tribe /'trajb/
    n. (nomadic) muledi
    trick /'trIk/
    v. fodari
    trickster /'trIkstr=/
    n. frodadori, vederadoru
    tried /'traid/
  • tried and true adj. pejistidu
  • trip /'trIp/
    1. v.t. azañari, indrebedjeri, supuandari 2. v.i. tiduvari 3. n. (journey) irindu
    troubador /'trob@dOr/
    n. trovadoru
    trouble /'trVbl=/
    v. turvari
    troups /'trups/
    n. orrus
    true /tru/
    adj. veru
  • tried and true adj. pejistidu
  • truely /'truli/
    adv. veramindi
    truffel /'trVfl=/
    n. trufa
    trunk /'trVNk/
    n. (of tree) trungu
    trustworthy /'trVstw3rDi/
    adj. pejistidu
    try /'traj/
    v. (on, out, give a try) provari
  • tried and true adj. pejistidu
  • Tuesday /'tuzdi/
    n. Marri
    tumble-down /'tVmbl=,daUn/
    adj. strebidari
    tunic /'tunIk/
    n. tuniga, cundi
    Turkey /'t3rki/
    n. Turrcha
    turmeric /'tum@rIk/
    n. curguma
    turn /'t3rn/
    v. djirari, (in for punishment) dugari
    turnip /'t3rnVp/
    n. nabi
    turquiose /'t3rkOjz/
    n. mavedji
    turtledove /'t3rdl=dVv/
    n. turruleja
    tweet /'twit/
    1. v. falari piu-piu-tuid-tuid 2. intj. piu-piu-tuid-tuid
    twelfth /twElT/
    num. dudechimu
    twelve /'twElv/
    num. dudechi
    twentieth /twIni.@T/
    num. vichezimu
    twenty /'twIni/
    num. vidjindi
    twin /'twIn/
    n. djemjigu
    twine /'twajn/
    v. adorveri
    twinkle /'twiNkl=/
    v. arrexeri
    twist /'twIst/
    v. adorveri, fuepiri, redorveri, torveri
    two /'tu/
    num. dus
    type /'tajp/
    n. (kind) cuasi, djineri, ejusmodi, exempuu, forma, huigura, pali, sorri, tibu
    typical /tIp@kl=/
    adj. tibigu
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